Western Michigan Area Local #281
President of this local is: Michael Long
You may contact this local's union office by calling: (616) 776-1489 (Main PO), (616) 977-1050 (P-Campus) or (616) 822-5627 (President's Cell)
You may also contact this local by writing to: PO Box 2706; Grand Rapids, MI 49501
In addition to the President, the Executive Board of this local consists of:
Vice President | Position is currently vacant | |
Recording Secretary | Awanda Jennings | |
Treasurer | Linda Chandler | |
Clerk Craft Director (A) | Suzi Boyd | |
Maintenance Craft Director: | Jennifer McKinnon | |
Motor Vehicle Craft Director: | Chris Fisher | |
Sergeant at Arms | Todd Hodges | |
Clerk Craft Director (B) | AmeKa Jones | |
NOTE: e-Mail address are available on their website.