480-481Area Local
President of this local is: Steve Wood
You may contact this local's union office by calling: (248) 543-3262
You may also contact this local by writing to: 810 Livernois; Ferndale, MI 48220
In addition to the President, the Executive Board of this local consists of:
Executive Vice President | Roscoe Woods | |
Vice President: | Gary Thomas | |
Secretary-Treasurer: | Joe Gordon | |
Editor: | Elaine Dunlap | |
Clerk Craft Director: | Stan Porter | |
Maintenance Craft Director: | John Diem | |
Motor Vehicle Craft Director: | Joe Wrobel | |
Legislative Representative | Position Currently Vacant | |
Human Relations Representative | Richard Dale | |
OWCP Representative | Lucy Morton | |
Veterans Director | John Smeekens |
NOTE: If an e-Mail address is provided for anyone in this local, listed above, it has been linked to their name(s).