Detroit District Area Local
President of this local is: Keith Combs
You may contact this local's union office by calling: (313) 532-9305 or contact the President on his cell at: (313) 330-7030
You may also contact this local by writing to: 20530 Southfield Rd; Detroit, MI 48235
In addition to the President, the Executive Board of this local consists of:
Executive Vice President | Tony Friday | |
Secretary-Treasurer: | Tawana Hodge | |
Recording Secretary | Debra Zabrzenski | |
Organization Director | Dana Beard Sr. | |
Director, Human Relations | Renee Miller | |
Legislation Director | Regina Favors | |
Sergeant at Arms | Marcus (Chill) Williams | Jeremy Allen |
Clerk Craft Director | Jill Ramirez | |
Asst Clerk Craft Director | Everett Hall | |
Clerk Craft Trustees | Stephanie Gant | Latoya "Toya" Lattimore |
Maintenance Craft Director | Tournez Green | |
Asst. Maintenance Craft Director | Larry Bourassa | |
Maintenance Trustee | Anthony "Tony" Latimer, Sr. | |
NDC Director | Tracey Thorns | |
Motor Vehicle Craft Director | Rico Cameron | |
Asst. MVS Director | Albert "Al" Lewis | |
MVS Trustee | David Couch | |
Mail Handler Trustee | Kimberly Durden |
NOTE: If an e-Mail address is provided for anyone in this local, listed above, it has been linked to their name(s).