2010 National APWU Convention

August 23 - 27, 2010

Detroit, Michigan (COBO Hall)



On August 23, 2010, over 2,300 delegates from the American Postal Workers Union descended on downtown Detroit for the APWU Biennial Convention.  Detroit District Area Local did an outstanding job hosting this year's convention. 


Pictures of the convention are below (due to some having a lot of pictures associated with a particular event, if you see (1) (2) these are of the same function, just broken down for smaller groupings of photos.





Convention Hall

        Day 1 of the Convention    (1)    (2)

        Day 2 of the Convention

        Day 3 of the Convention

        Day 4 of the Convention


MPWU Locals in Attendance (NOTE:  Muskegon Area Local, Troy Local, and Battle Creek Local, as well as other members of other locals were in attendance as well; however, was not available at the time these pictures were taken)

        Detroit District Area Local

        Flint Area Local

        Gaylord Area Local

        Iron Mountain (498-499) Area Local

        Royal Oak (480-481 Area Local)

        Saginaw Area Local

        Southwest Michigan Area Local

        Traverse City Area Local

        Western Michigan Area Local


Caucus  (1)   (2)


Pre-Convention (Clerk Craft Conference)


Picket/Protest    (1)    (2)


Various Pictures