Area 10, 11, & 12 District Meeting

October 14 - 16, 2010

Otsego Club - Gaylord, Michigan


It was a beautiful weekend in Gaylord for the Area 10, 11, & 12 District Meeting, and the Otsego Club was the perfect location.  While the turnout was quite small, those who were in attendance came away with more knowledge on how to protect the jobs of their members and do it properly.

Thursday was the slow day, with only three classes in the afternoon.  Article 1.6 (NBA Lynn Pallas-Barber,  Veterans Issues (MPWU Vets Director John Smeekens) and Computer (MPWU Editor Michael Long).  Friday, while only two classes, these were all day classes, and it definitely filled the brains of those who I spoke with.    Basic and Advanced Stewards Training (MPWU Clerk Craft Director Richard Blake & Former MPWU President Gary VanHoogstraten) and Article 12 (NBA Lynn Pallas-Barber).  Saturday ended out this meeting with three classes:  Workman's Compensation / National Reassessment Process (MPWU HR / Injury Comp Director Jennifer Amos), Maintenance (MPWU Maintenance Director Jason Rushing) , and Retirement (480-481 Vice President and National Retirement Trainer Joe Gordon)

Thank you to all those who taught, and especially to those who attended.  See you at the next one.

Unfortunately, I was not available to take photos of Saturday classes; thus if anyone has any and would like to have them uploaded to the site, please forward to me.


Due to the amount of the photos that were taken...each day is broken down into two different segments to be viewed.

Day 1 (October 14)    (1)     (2)

Day 2 (October 15)    (1)     (2)

Day 3 (October 16)