Area 7, 8, & 9 District Meeting

February 19 & 20, 2010

Grand Rapids, Michigan


On February 19, 2010, approximately forty members of the Michigan Postal Workers Union descended on the Grand Rapids area (at the Airport Hilton in Kentwood) to receive training from our NBAs.  On this Friday, from 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. a General / Open session was held with the Clerk NBAs (John Clark, Lynn Pallas-Barber and Linda Turney) fielded questions and gave updates and their views as to what is happening in the Postal Service and the APWU.


On Saturday, February 20, 2010, the attendees were broken down into four different classes:  Basic & Advanced Stewards (taught by NBA John Clark); Maintenance (MS-47) issues (taught by MPWU MCD Larry Miller, and WMAL MCD James Smith), Article 12 (taught by NBA Lynn Pallas-Barber), and MVS Issues (taught by MPWU MVD Joe Wrobel).  Each class lasted throughout the day, and I felt from the feedback that was given, that most came away with a lot more knowledge to aid in the fight.

Please enjoy the pictures of these two days.




Day 1 - February 19, 2010 (General Session)

Day 1 - Seven President's Meeting

Day 2 - February 20, 2010 (Class Breakouts)